During winter, elderly people can often struggle to stay warm in their homes. As we age, our immune systems become weaker and we are less able to fight off viruses.
However, there are a number of ways we can keep our elderly loved ones warm this winter. So here are a few top tips to help you prepare and keep them warm during the winter.
Keep them warm
Their house temperature should be kept to at least 18°C, and make sure your loved ones are dressed in warm layers when sitting in the house. Ensure there are plenty of blankets close by so they can throw a blanket over themselves. Keep all their doors inside the house closed to keep individual rooms warm.
Important: Ensure their heating/ gas appliances/smoke detectors are all working correctly as carbon monoxide is a deadly gas that you cannot see or smell – so get this checked regularly by a qualified professional. Plus, check if you loved one is eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment grant.
Keep their spirits up!
Winter doesn’t have to be a be a depressing time. Call in and visit them more often and invite family or their friends over to stop them feeling isolated. Or you could accompany them to a local day centre – it may be just what your loved one needs to lift the winter blues. If you’re struggling to visit more often, then our Novus care team can help.
Ensure a nutritious diet
A balanced and nutritious diet is vitally important. Regular hot meals will help to keep elderly loved one’s energy levels up. Check their cupboards and fridge and ensure they are stocked with the basics. Check they have plenty of easy-open tins of soup, cuppa-soups, low-sugar cereal bars and dried fruit.
Ensure their vaccinations are up-to-date
As we were less exposed to them during the coronavirus lockdowns, respiratory viruses are expected to be more widespread this winter – so it’s important to ensure their vaccinations including their boosters are all up-to-date.
Is their medication up-to-date?
Ensure all their medication is up-to-date and collected. Find out if their local pharmacy offers a prescription pick-up and delivery service
Keep their doorstep safe
Put some salt and sand on their steps and path in icy weather. Contact your local council to see if they provide free bags.
Benefits Check
Contact your local AGE UK office and ensure your loved ones are claiming everything their entitled to.
How Novus Care can help this winter
When you can’t be there – we can. Novus Care are here to help this winter if your elderly loved ones are needing extra support this winter. With our visiting care service you can rest assured your loved ones are safe and warm. Whether you need someone to visit daily or weekly, you’ll find our care team are more than just a Carer, it’s a reassuring visit from a friend.
To find out how we can help: email us: [email protected] or call us on: 0800 138 4030.
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