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How to Support a Family Member with a Terminal Illness
Coping with a terminal illness is hard for the whole family. When a friend or family member is diagnosed with a serious disease or illness, it can be difficult to know how to help. From offering practical help to emotional support, there are many ways you can help someone who is seriously ill, but they […]
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How to discuss care requirements with a loved one
The prospect of needing full time care can be very daunting and it’s a difficult subject to approach. An elderly relative may refuse care for a long time before admitting they need any help. Naturally, older people are scared about the future and worried about losing control of their life. They may think that accepting […]
How to keep your independence as you grow older
As we get older, we all face certain setbacks which means it is more challenging to be as independent as we’d like to be. Ageing affects us all in different ways, but certain health problems or social issues, such as no longer being able to drive, can have a huge impact on daily life. When […]
Important tips to caring for your health as an older adult
Older adults should care for their health and well-being as much as in younger people. Fresh air and a healthy dose of vitamin D are important for every one whether young or of a mature age. Being healthy has a significant impact on coping with day-to-day challenges and fighting-off illnesses. Looking after your health is […]
Who needs home care and how to get help
By year 2020 there will be an estimated 15.5 million people in the UK over the age of 65 years old. This is up from 10 million in 2012. Life expectancy in the UK is increasing year-on-year, and so too is the demand for care. With the growing awareness of the types of care available including […]