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How to care for an elderly parent from a distance

Caring from a distance

Work, family and the urge for adventure can mean that circumstances may take you to a destination miles away from the home of your parent or parents. As they get older and less able to cope with every day activities, this can create a lot of stress not being available to help or check-up on them regularly. Around 40% of elderly adults have children or family members who live too far away to offer regular help or companionship leaving many feeling lonely and depressed. But, there are steps you can take when caring from a distance to better manage the situation so that you feel less stressed and your elderly parent feels secure while continuing to live independently in their own homes.

Ways to be a long-distance caregiver

  • Call on the help of neighbours or friends who live close by to you elderly parent and ask them to be your ‘eyes and ears’. Perhaps they can call in from time-to-time’ to make sure they are coping with day-to-day activities and are able to get to medical or dental appointments.
  • Make a list of emergency numbers, contacts of friends or family living close by .
  • If they are on any medication, keep a record should you need to contact medical emergency services. Smart phone needed to take care from a distance
  • Equip your elderly parent with modern technology so that you can communicate using either smart phone or laptop. SKYPE with it’s video chatting is free.
  • Stay in touch when caring from a distance. Regular contact can help determine whether an ageing parent is struggling to cope or suffering loneliness and depression.
  • A lot can be done online to help such as paying bills, keeping family and friends updated, researching medical conditions to support the advice given by doctors or nurses, grocery shopping or booking appointments.

Long-distance caregivers can play a part in arranging for professional home care support when the time comes. Caring from a distance is not easy for the caregiver and not your loved ones. There are sacrifices and adjustments for everyone. When you don’t live where the care is needed, it may be difficult to feel that what you are doing is enough.

Caring from a distance and looking for help?

Our home care agency are here to help wherever you are in the country from care calls starting from just a visit per week to ensure all is well to around the clock 24/7 care. Call us for an informal chat on 0800 138 4030 or email: [email protected] to discuss your requirements.


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