Elderly care provider in Watford offers a range of services to meet the many needs of those wanting to continue living independently at home. Home care or domiciliary care is a term used to describe support in the home provided by care workers who assist with daily activities. Support can be requested for 24-hour/daily or for just a few hours a week. Many elderly people choose to use home care as an alternative to moving into a residential care home.
Care following post-surgery, a fall or just struggling to cope with day-to-day activities in the home may all result in the need for different care plans. To know how much care is needed, it is best to make a list and use that to determine your steps to finding the best match elderly care provider in Watford.
List the elderly care support needed
- what do they want help with?
- how often do they want a care worker to visit?
- what time do they want a visit/s?
- what activities do they want help with?
- what is their care budget?
- how many hours per week can they afford a home care worker?
Home elderly care providers in Watford can be found listed in the Home Care Agencies (Search for Home Care Agencies Watford) directory where you will find contact details and a link to provider websites as well as a rating as given be the Care Quality Commission (CQC UK). Use this site to make a list of the home care providers who meet the needs as you have listed.
Click here to see elderly care providers in Watford >>
Next step short-listing elderly care providers
Here is are further suggestions of what to look for when narrowing down your research for elderly care providers in your specific area:
are they regulated by the CQC?
- are they members of the UK Homecare Association (UKHCA)? – All member organisations agree to comply with their Code of Practice – the rights of service users comes first; the highest standards of care are provided; and the rights and welfare of care workers are protected.
- do they offer the personal care services needed?
- what other activities are they registered to do?
Once you have short-listed elderly care providers in Watford, contact them and ask to meet with them at your home for an informal chat about what you are looking for. This visit is totally free and comes with no obligations. During this session they will discuss what your needs and wants are and the frequency of your visits.
Once the decision has been made to join an elderly care provider in Watford, a field supervisor will come out and do a complete Care Needs Assessment that will involve confirming your details on your Personal Care Plan (the visits that have been requested and their frequency) and carrying out a Health and Safety assessment to ensure that care workers are able to work safely in your home.
Schedule a free assessment
Get in touch to speak with our care team about your ideal care plan.